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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

1900 :: Death of P.J. Kirtley

On this date in our family history . . . 116 years ago . . . the following news clipping announced the death of our 1st cousin four times removed . . . 

P.J. Kirtley, a veteran of the Orphan Brigade, died at Russellville from blood poisoning, caused by a wound received in battle in 1864. Mount Vernon Signal, December 21, 1900

Saturday, June 18, 2016

1935 :: Natal Day

On this date in our family history . . . the 18th day of June . . . in the year 1935 . . . which would have been her 53rd birthday . . . Emma Patience Muston nee Nettles was probably remembering with fondness the gathering on the previous Sentimental Sunday which was held in honor of her upcoming "natal day" . . . the report of that birthday celebration is copied below . . . this Emma is the paternal great-grandma of the Keeper of this family history blog (who is being held by Emma in the following heritage collage) . . . 

The Rockdale Reporter and Messenger (Rockdale, Tex.), Vol. 63, No. 19, Ed. 1 Thursday, June 20, 1935

Cole Springs, June. 17. -- Mr. and Mrs. B. Hickman and children, of Austin, spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.F. Moore, the occasion being the natal day of Mrs. Emma Muston. Her daughters entertained in her honor Sunday, June 16, at the Muston home.

The date falling upon Father's Day seemed fitting as Mrs. Muston has been both father and mother to her family. She was left a widow by the death of her husband with seven little girls, the youngest a tiny infant. By frugality and perseverance she has reared this family, giving them both school and social advantages. She is one of the fortunate mothers who enjoy the complete devotion of her children as they are constantly planning to make life fuller and sweeter for her. A beautiful cake decorated with fifty three candles, adorned the festal board, which contained an abundance of choice viands.

The children attending were:

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Beynolds of Houston were unable to attend.

Mrs. Muston's mother, Mrs. M.A. Nettles, a brother, J.A. Nettles, wife and daughter, Carrie Belle of Lexington, and Mr. John Taylor were the other guests who attended.

Saturday, June 04, 2016

1675 :: Birth of Ruth Perley

On this date in our family history . . . the 4th day of June . . . in the year 1675 . . . a baby girl is born in Massachusetts . . . the parents are Samuel Perley and Ruth Trumble . . . and their new daughter is named after her mother . . . this baby girl named Ruth is an 8th great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog . . . 

Published 1906

Friday, May 20, 2016

1599 :: Death of Elizabeth Twyne

On this date in our family history . . . the 20th day of May . . . in the year 1599 . . . Elizabeth Brooke nee Twyne dies somewhere in England . . . and is memorialized in 1603 when her son places a "brass" in the Whitfield Church . . . the wording from this brass is quoted below . . . this Elizabeth is a 12th great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog . . . in a letter from Vicar of Whitchurch, he wrote that . . . 

There is a beautiful Brass which I now give you :


This grave (oh griefe) hath swallowed up with wide and open mouth
The body of good Richard Brooke of Whitchurch, Hampton South,
And Elizabeth his wedded wife, twise Twentie years and one.
Sweet Jesus hath their souls in heaven, ye ground flesh, skin and bone.

In Januarie, worne with age, daie sixteneth died hee.
From Christ full fifteene hundred years and more by ninety-three;
But death her twist of life in Maie, daie twentieth did untwine,
From Christ full fifteen hundred years and more by ninety-nine.

They left behind them, well to live and grown to good degree,
First Richard, Thomas, Robert Brooke the youngest of the three;
Elizabeth and Barbara and Dorothee the last
All six the knot of nature, love and kindness, keeping Fast.

This toomstone with the plate thereon, thus graven fair and large
Did Robert Brooke, the youngest sonne, make of his proper charge.
A citizen of London State by faithful service Free,
Of Marchant great Adventurers a brother sworne was hee;

And of the Indian Companie, come gain or loss or lim
And of the Goldsmith liverie, All these God gifte to him
This monument of memorie in love performed hee
December thirtie-one from Christ, Sixteen hundred and Three.

Anno Domini, 1603 --

Laus Deo.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sentimental Sunday :: Easter Sunday at Goldfish Pond

On Easter Sunday in the year 1931, our Grandma Elizabeth was at Goldfish Pond with her baby boy . . . a baby girl would join the family the following January . . . that baby girl grew up to be our Mom . . . 

On that long ago Sunday, Elizabeth captured the above snapshot of one of the goldfish, saying that it was "partly out of the pond after a piece of popcorn" . . . this Goldfish Pond was apparently a favorite place for an outing for this little family . . . a few years later the following snapshot was taken . . . 

This is our Mom and her brother, sitting on the edge of Goldfish Pond . . . this would have been mid-1930s . . . mayhaps on another Easter Sunday . . . 

More than three hundred years before the above images were captured on film, that little body of water was known by another name . . . Ingalls Pond . . . 

Near this pond was the home of Edmund Ingalls, one of the founders of Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts . . . this pond can be seen on the following map . . . towards the right . . . and in the bottom third of the image . . . 

On an unspecified day in the month of March in the year 1648 . . . Edmund Ingalls would meet a watery death when the horse he was riding fell through a faulty bridge while crossing the Saugus River on a journey to Boston from his home near Ingalls Pond . . . this Boston Street crossing can be seen in the bottom third of the above map . . . to the far left . . . 

This Edmund Ingalls is said to be the 5th great-grandpa of President James Garfield . . . he is the 7th great-grandpa of American author, Laura Ingalls Wilder . . . and as a result of on-going research regarding the ancestors of our Mom, just this past week this same Edmund Ingalls was revealed to be the 10th great-grandpa of the Mom of the Keeper of this family history blog . . .

Other blogposts regarding the same Edmund Ingalls . . . 

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