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Sunday, December 16, 2012

1965 :: Star of the East

And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shown round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. Luke 2:9-12

Once upon a time . . . back in the 20th century . . . the words printed above were read by a school-age narrator during the annual Christmas pageant in my hometown of Rockdale, Texas . . . this was a pageant traditionally held in the auditorium at Rockdale High School . . . I was an 8th grader (final year of Junior High) when the following excerpt from a full write-up regarding the 1965 Christmas pageant ran in the local newspaper . . . the Beverly and Joe mentioned below were my classmates . . .

The Rockdale Reporter, Rockdale, Texas, December 16, 1965. The Christmas Story will be told at 7:30 p.m. Friday by more than 200 junior-high school students when they stage their Christmas pageant in the high school auditorium. A highlight of the Christmas season in Rockdale in past years, the pageant will this year involve 211 students, according to Ernie Laurence, junior-high principal. The pageant will tell the story of the birth of Christ. Beverly and Joe will portray Mary and Joseph . . . The Rev. Frank Cady, pastor of St. John's Methodist Church and president of the Rockdale Ministerial Alliance, will give the benediction.

In previous years of participating in this pageant, I had portrayed an angel in the stable, kneeling at the manger . . . in 1965, I was a candlebearer . . . we wore white choir robes and were carrying lighted candles as we entered from the back of the auditorium . . . and we were singing Star of the East as we walked down the double aisles to the front of the stage . . .


Star of the East, Oh Bethlehem's star,
Guiding us on to Heaven afar!
Sorrow and grief are lull'd by the light.

Thou hope of each mortal, in death's lonely night!
Fearless and tranquil, we look up to thee!

Knowing thou beam'st thro' eternity!
Help us to follow where Thou still dost guide,

Pilgrims of earth so wide.

Star of the East, thou hope of the soul,
While round us here the dark billows roll,
Lead us from sin to glory afar,

Thou star of the East, thou sweet Bethlehem's star.
Oh star that leads to God above!

Whose rays are Peace and Joy and Love!
Watch o'er us still till life hath ceased,

Beam on, bright star, sweet Bethlehem star!

Star of the East, undim'd by each cloud
What tho' the storms of grief gather loud?
Faithful and pure thy rays beam to save,

Still bright o'er the cradle, and bright o'er the grave!
Smiles of a Saviour are mirror'd in thee!

Glimpses of Heav'n in thy light we see!
Guide us still onward to that blessed shore,

After earth's toil is o'er!

Star of the East, thou hope of the soul,
While round us here the dark billows roll,
Lead us from sin to glory afar,

Thou star of the East, thou sweet Bethlehem's star.
Oh star that leads to God above!

Whose rays are Peace and Joy and Love!
Watch o'er us still till life hath ceased,

Beam on, bright star, sweet Bethlehem star!

The Star Of The East 1918
Music by: Amanda Kennedy
Lyrics by: George Cooper
This song was originally published in 1883 as a piano solo reverie titled the Star Of The Sea. Almost 40 years later, Kennedy dusted the work off and reissued it with this new title with lyrics by George Cooper. Musically this song is identical to the 1883 work. All that is different is the addition of these lyrics and some repeats.

Updates . . . I had no luck in 2010 (when this was first posted on one of my other blogs) finding a decent version of someone singing this song . . . in 2011 I was able to locate a nice fiddle version, which has since been removed by the original contributor . . . so in 2012 I went searching again . . . and was delighted to find the following recording of Judy Garland (1922-1969) singing this classic . . .

I also found one by Slim Whitman but it was no longer available as of 2014 . . . so I found one done by a granddaughter for her grandma . . .

As of September 2017, Slim is back . . . 

 Merry Christmas, Y'all!

Monday, December 10, 2012

1748 :: Asa Barker

On this date in our family history . . . the 10th day of December . . . in the year 1748 . . . a baby boy is born in the household of Timothy Barker (1720-1752) and Mehitable Kimball (1720-1777) . . . he is given the name of Asa . . . and he is a 5th great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog . . . this birth is recorded in the Vital Records of Andover, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849 (Google eBook) as published by the Topsfield Historical Society in the year 1912 . . . 

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

1692 :: Letter from Salem prison

On this date in our family history . . . the 5th day of December . . . in the year 1692 . . . Rebecka EAMES petitions Governor Phips as follows . . .

That wheras your Poor and humble petitioner having been here closely confined in Salem Prison neare four monthes and likewise Condemned to die for the crime of witchcraft w'ch the Lord above he knowes I am altogether innocent and ignorant off as will appeare att the great day of Judgment having had no Evidences against me but the Spectre Evidences any my owne confession w'ch the Lord above knowes was altogether false and untrue I being hurried out of my Senses by the Afflicted persons. Abigaill Hobbs and Mary Lacye who both of them cryed out against me charging me with witchcraft the space of four dayes mocking of me and spitting in my face saving they knew me to be an old witch and If I would not confesse it I should very Spedily be hanged for there was some such as my selfe gone before and it would not be long before I should follow them w'ch was the Occasion with my owne wicked heart of my saying what I did say: and the reason of my standing to my confession att my tryall was : That I know not one word w't I said when I was upon my Tryall att what the honoured Majestr'ts said to me but only the Name of Queen Mary: But may it please your Excellencye: when Mr Matther and Mr Brattle were here in Salem they disowned w't they before had said against me and doe still owne and say w't they has sayd against me was Nothing but the Divells delusions and they knew nothing in the least measure of any witchcraft by me: your poor and humble petition'r doe begg and Implore of yo'r Excellencye to Take it into yo'r Pious and Judicious consideration To Graunt me A Pardon of my life Not deserving death by man for wichcraft or any other Sin That my Innocent blood may not be shed and your poor and humble petitioner shall for ever pray as she is bound in duty for yo'r health and happiness in this life and eternal felicity in the world to come So prays. 
Your poor and humble petition'r
Rebecka Eames
from Salem prison
Decem the 5th: 1692

This Rebecka is a 9th great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog . . .

Friday, November 09, 2012

1872 :: Great Boston Fire

On this date in our extended family history . . . the 9th day of November . . . in the year 1872 . . . our distant cousin, Oliver Rice Chase, had a business building destroyed by the flames of the Great Boston Fire . . . unfortunately, it was just one year earlier (in October of 1871) when Oliver's brother, Daniel, lost his business due to the Great Chicago Fire . . . my common ancestors with this particular branch of the Chase family are Aquila Chase and his wife, Anne Wheeler . . .

Sometime after the 1872 fire, another distant cousin, Abner W. Harmon, penned the words to a poem memorializing that conflagration . . . our common ancestors with Abner are John Harmon and his wife, Sarah Roberts . . .

Here is cousin Abner's poem . . .

The Great Fire in Boston.
Composed by A. W. Harmon.

On the ninth of November,
in eighteen seventy-two,
All nature and old Boston
looked gay with splendid hue;
The sky was clear and beautiful,
the stars were sparkling bright,
And Boston looked most lovely,
for it was Saturday night.

The evening meal was finished,
from care and labor riven,
When suddenly and loudly,
the alarm of fire was given,
And in a single moment
the fire bells rang aloud,
The cry of fire was echoed,
and faster flew the crown.

The Firemen came out quickly,
brave hearted men and true,
but little were they thinking,
of the great work to do;
Fast flew the fire,
consuming wealth, honor, fame and pride,
And the bravest of the Firemen,
it instantly defied.

And by the City authorities
every effort was made,
To stop the progress of the fire;
while hundreds lent their aid,
The Firemen worked like heroes,
as on the flames they played;
Engines from various places,
with speed come to their aid.

On Summer Street and Kingston,
on Otis, Milk and High,
On Federal, Pearl and Congress,
swift did the Fire-Fiend fly,
On Deveonshire and Washington,
State, Franklin Street and Arch,
Destroying all before it,
as eastward it did march.

And what was but yesterday
a beautiful prosperous place,
Is now a scene of desolation,
its beauties all erased,
Saving only a wilderness
in this part of the town,
Of chimney stacks and broken walls,
that had not tumbled down.

The merchant and the pauper,
alike they looked aghast,
Through iron, steel and marble,
the great destroyer pas'd,
Thousands of costly buildings,
in vengeance down it felled,
And O, what sad destruction,
the Sabbath morn beheld.

Merchants their goods were packing,
ere their store walls fell down,
And loaded teams were hurrying
in all directions round;
The smoke so high ascended,
the villagers did say,
'Twas seen to rise from Boston,
a hundred miles away.

One fourth of that fine City
in ashes now is laid,
And a great change in business
it certainly had made;
The merchant and mechanic,
the toilor son and sire,
All, all are now lamenting with grief,
that terrible fire.

Hundreds of once rich merchants,
are by the fire made poor,
Thousands of people feel it,
the toiler's heart is sore;
But enterprise smiles bravely,
the merchants are awake,
They rise for their own benefit,
and for humanity's sake.

The wealth it took the people
for many years to gain,
The wealth it took the labor,
and the brains to obtain;
The Fire-Fiend with derision,
looked on with hateful scorn,
And grasped the best and costliest part,
between sunset and morn.

When the city of Chicago
had felt the Fire-Fiend's power,
Had seen its flames ascending,
in a dark and dismal hour,
Boston arose with sympathy,
the helping hand to lend,
Provision, money and clothing,
for her relief did send.

But little was Boston thinking,
so soon it would require,
Sympathy and assistance,
for its great loss by fire;
Towns, villages and cities,
has felt its power and wrath,
And thousands of our merchants
have laid low in its path.

Behold the noble Firemen,
so gallant and so brave,
See how they toil and labor,
buildings and wealth to save;
They risk their lives for others,
do all the good they can,
Toil for their neighbor's comfort,
for woman, child and man.

Clicking on the thumbnail to the left will allow you to view a vintage image of the 1872 poem by A.W. Harmon . . . courtesy of the Brown University Library . . . and, FYI, as mentioned in the very first paragraph of this blogpost . . . Oliver R. Chase did lose his place of doing business in this fire . . . but all youth, and those who are young at heart, can be grateful that the fire losses experienced by the Chase brothers did not put a halt to their enterprising natures . . . 'cause 'twas their 19th century endeavors that provided the very beginnings of the New England Confectionery Company . . . which still gives us Necco Wafers . . . as well as the Sweetheart candies that have become a fixture for Valentine's Day . . .

This blogpost was researched and prepared specifically for cousin Bill's Fourth Annual Great Genealogy Poetry Challenge.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

1711 :: Reversal of Attainder for Rebecca Eames

On this date in our family history . . . the 17th day of October . . . in the year 1711 . . . there was passed an act to reverse the attainders of a number of persons previously accused of witchcraft . . . among those accused was one Rebecka Eames nee Blake . . . who is a 9th great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog . . . the following is from The Salem Witchcraft Papers . . .

Province of the Massachusets Bay: Anno Regni Anna Reginae Decimo.

An Act to reverse the attainders of George Burroughs and others for Witchcraft

Forasmuch as in the year of our Lord one Thousand six hundred ninety two several Towns within this Province were Infested with a horrible Witchcraft or possession of devils; And at a Special Court of Oyer and Terminer holden at Salem in the County of Essex in the same year 1692. George Burroughs of Wells, John Procter , George Jacobs , John Willard , Giles Core , and [] his wife, Rebecca Nurse and Sarah Good all of Salem aforesaid Elizabeth How of Ipswich, Mary eastey , Sarah Wild and Abigail Hobbs all of Topsfield, Samuel Wardell , Mary Parker* ; Martha Carrier , Abigail Falkner : Anne Foster , Rebecca Eames , Mary Post and Mary Lacey all of Andover, Mary Bradbury , of Salisbury, and Dorcas Hoar of Beverley Were severally Indicted convicted and attainted of Witchcraft and some of them put to death, others lying still under the like sentance of the said Court, and liable to have the same Executed upon them.

The Influence and Energy of the Evil Spirits so great at that time acting in and upon those who were the principal accusers and Witnesses proceeding so far as to cause a Prosecution to be had of persons of known and good reputation, which caused a great disatisfaction and a stop to be put thereunto until theire Majesty's pleasure should be known therein:

And upon a Representation thereof accordingly made her late Majesty Queen Mary the second of blessed memory by Her Royal Letter given at her Court at Whitehall the fifteenth of April 1693. was Graciously pleased to approve the care and Circumspection therein; and to Will and require that in all proceedings ag't persons accused for Witchcraft, or being possessed by the devil, the greatest Moderation and all due Circumspection be used, so far as the same may be without Impediment to the Ordinary course of Justice.

And some of the principal Accusers and Witnesses in those dark and severe prosecutions have since discovered themselves to be persons of profligate and vicious conversation.

Upon the humble Petition and suit of several of the s'd persons and of the children of others of them whose Parents were Executed. Be it Declared and Enacted by his Excellency the Governor Council and Representatives in General Court assembled and by the authority of the same That the several convictions Judgments and Attainders against the said George Borroughs , John Procter , George Jacob , John Willard , Giles Core and [] Core , Rebecca Nurse , Sarah Good , Elizabeth How , Mary Easty , Sarah W[ild] Abigail Hobbs , Samuel Wardell , Mary Parker* , Martha Carrier , Abigail Falkner , Anne Foster , Rebecca Eame[s], Mary Post , Mary Lacey , Mary Bradbury , and Dorcas [Hoar] , and every of them Be and hereby are reversed made and d[eclared] to be null and void to all Intents, Constructions and purposes wh[atso] ever, as if no such convictions, Judgments or Attainders had ever [been] had or given. And that no penalties or forfeitures of Goods or Chattels be by the said Judgments and attainders or either of them had or Incurrd.

Any Law Usage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding. And that no Sheriffe, Constable, Goaler or other officer shall be Liable to any prosecution in the Law for anything they then Legally did in the Execution of their respective offices.

Made and Pass'd by the Great and General Court or Assembly of her Majestys Province of the Massachusets: Bay: in New England held at Boston the 17th day of october. 1711.

See also . . . Salem Witch Trials Aftermath 1711 where you can view images of this document from the Library of Congress . . .

*P.S. . . . this Mary Parker is also a 9th great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog . . . she was hanged as a witch on the 22nd day of September in the year 1692 . . .

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sentimental Sunday :: Memories of New England

One year ago, in October of 2011, my youngest sister and I loaded up our about-to-be-80-year-old Mom and made a road trip from central Texas to the coast of Maine for an extended stay in a beach house at Old Orchard Beach . . . and afternoons spent gathering seaglass on Peaks Island . . . and mornings spent walking the paths of the Victorian garden cemetery overlooking the Saco River where Mom's young mother was laid to rest in 1932 . . . some of the photographic memories of those days have been preserved on the pages of a book created via MyCanvas at . . . a digital photo album entitled Memories of New England highlights the pages of that leather-bound book, which was presented to Mom for her 80th birthday earlier in 2012 . . . 


Our adorable Mom was born near Boston, Massachusetts . . . but spent most of her growing-up years with her paternal grandparents in central Texas . . . her Father had left the dry dusty farmfields of West Texas in 1927 to join the Navy . . . and wound up spending time along the coast of Maine with one of his shipmates . . . where both of them met their future wives . . .

Mom's parents, Robert and Elizabeth (aka Bob and Betty), were married in July of 1929 . . . their first child (a boy) was born in May of 1930 in Lynn, Massachusetts . . . followed by Mom in January of 1932 . . . and then 19-year old Elizabeth died three days later . . .

Mom never visited her Mother's grave until October of 1977 . . . which was the first time we made the trek to New England from Texas . . . we went back again in 1981 . . . and then in 1998 . . . 2011 was our fourth trip . . . and we are already making plans for trip #5! . . . in the meantime . . .

Mom was talking just this morning about wanting to print copies of her photos of that trip, and share them with family members . . . she doesn't know it yet, but with this post, I am doing the sharing for her (sorry, Mom!) . . . remember that ALL of the photos in the following albums were taken by Mom with her digital camera . . .

TO MAINE AND BACK THRU MOM'S EYES . . . this album contains images captured by Mom along the road . . .


  • MASSACHUSETTS . . . this album contains images of the house where Mom was born . . . and the beach where she played as a child . . .
  • NEW HAMPSHIRE . . . Mom's parents honeymooned at Alton Bay on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire . . . where her Mother also spent time as a child . . .

Friday, August 31, 2012

1574 :: Death of Nicholas Pyne

On this date in our family history . . . the 31st day of August . . . in the year 1574 . . . Nicholas Pyne / Pine dies in England . . . this Nicholas is a 14th great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog . . .

Chart from The Visitations of the County of Devon (Google eBooks)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

1720 :: Marriage of Samuel and Sarah

On this date in our family history . . . the 11th day of August . . . in the year 1720 or 1723 . . . Sarah Emery becomes the bride of Samuel Brackett . . . this Sarah and Samuel are 7th great-grand-parents of the Keeper of this family history blog . . . in his Brackett Genealogy, H.I. Brackett stated that they were married in 1720 . . . but records recently made available online from the city of Berwick in York County, Maine indicate that they were married in 1723 . . .

Saturday, July 14, 2012

1808 :: Marriage of Grant and Nancy

On this date in our family history . . . the 14th day of July . . . in the year 1808 . . . 

Nancy Tate Anthony becomes the bride of Grant Davis . . . 

the ceremony is performed in Wilkes County, Georgia by the Rev. Jesse Mercer (pictured to the right) . . . this Nancy and Grant are 4th great-grandparents to the Keeper of this family history blog . . .

Friday, July 06, 2012

1706 :: Baptism of Edward Milliken

On this date in our family history . . . the 6th day of July . . . in the year 1706 . . . Edward Milliken is baptized in the Brattle Street Church in Boston, Massachusetts . . . this Edward is a 7th great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog . . .

History of New Bedford, Volume 1 (Google eBook)
The Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1918

Representative Men and Old Families of Southeastern Massachusetts:
Containing Historical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens
and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families
(Google eBook)
J.H. Beers & Company, 1912

Genealogical and Personal Memoirs
Relating to the Families of the State of Massachusetts

Volume 3 (Google eBook)
William Richard Cutter, William Frederick Adams
Lewis historical publishing Company, 1910

Saco Valley settlements and families:
historical, biographical, genealogical, traditional, and legendary
Volume 2 (Google eBook)
Gideon Tibbetts Ridlon
The Author, 1895

1859 :: The Starksville Celebration

Our Mollie is six years of age in 1859 when a 4th of July celebration is held in her hometown in Oktibbeha County, Mississippi . . . both of her parents are still alive at this time . . . as well as both of her grandfathers . . . Grandpa West is enumerated in Starkville on the 1860 census . . . while Grandpa Carter is in Pontotoc County, Mississippi . . . Aunt Matilda (West) and Uncle Britton Valentine are in Oktibbeha County . . . as well as Aunt Mary (Carter) and Uncle Bill Valentine (Britton and Bill are brothers) . . . a decade down the road, Mollie is a 16-year-old orphan on a wagon train headed for Texas . . . she would later pass on many of her memories of the years of the war between the states . . . wonder if any of these family members participated in the large assemblage described in the following newspaper clipping from 1859 . . . or if they had an inkling of just how much the world they lived in was about to change . . . 

SOUTHERN BROAD-AXE [WEST POINT, MS], July 6, 1859, p. 2, c. 2-3
The Starksville Celebration

It was our good fortune to be present at the Celebration at Starkville yesterday. There was a large assemblage of the citizens of Oktibbeha, and neighboring counties there and although the most of them were strangers to us, it required but half an eye to see that every countenance was lighted up with enthusiasm -- and every eye sparkled with the fire of patriotism which warms the American heart at the return of our Independence Jubilee. A band of skillful performers enliven the spirits of the vast concourse of chivalry and beauty with lively, stirring strains of music -- and the old Star Spangled Banner, so dear to the eye and the soul of the freeman, spread out its proud folds on the morning breeze.

At 11 A. M. the Exercises began with reading of the Declaration of Independence by Mr. Wm. Lockhart. Mr. L. first paid a beautiful tribute to the band in attendance after which he read the Declaration in a clear distinct voice audible to the whole crowd, and took his seat amid rounds of applause. After a thrilling performance by the band the young orator of the Day -- H. L. Muldrow Esq., was introduced and entertained us for perhaps an hour with an elaborate discussion of the topics so naturally presented to one occupying his responsible position. We know not which to most admire in the oration -- the Feast of Reason -- the flow of soul -- the seasoning of happy expression or the bouquet of elevated thought and beautiful language so appropriately addressed to the Ladies, which came in as a welcome dessert and was highly appreciated, and loudly applauded as the speaker resumed his seat.

Some gentleman then read to the audience the patriotic Appeal to Mississippians in behalf of the Mount Vernon Association from the gifted pen of Mrs. Col. I. N. Davis. There is a noble sentiment of lofty public spirit in every line of that truly beautiful poem which does honor to Mrs. D. as a friend of patriotism, as a devoter of chaste poetic literature, and in the sublime capacity of an American woman.

A procession was then formed and we all marched to the table in a neighboring grove, where a sumptuous dinner was prepared for all. The Agricultural Society was addressed at the Court House, by Col. I. N. Davis in the evening, and the whole crowd stayed to hear him. His remarks were to Southern farmers -- they were forcible and to the point -- made up of happy conceptions and appropriate delivery. His reasoning was so clear and logical that any mind comprehending 2 and 2 make 4, must aknowledge [sic] the justness of his conclusions. The people of the South must see the truth of Col. D.'s position on questions of vital importance to her interests now, or regret in later years that they were so short-sighted.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

1646 :: Birth of Sarah Merrill nee Clough


On this date in our family history . . . the 28th day of June . . . in the year 1646 . . . a baby girl is born to John and Jane Clough in Massachusetts . . . this baby girl is given the name of Sarah . . . and would grow up to marry Daniel Merrill . . . this Sarah is a 9th great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog . . . FYI . . . clicking on the above image will take you to the full page in the book, The Genealogy of the descendants of John Clough of Salisbury, Massachusetts . . . where that entire book can be read online . . . or downloaded to your preferred reading device . . .

Monday, June 18, 2012

1860 :: Barker Boarding House


On this date in our family history . . . the 18th day of June . . . in the year 1860 . . . Timothy Barker is enumerated at the Keeper of a Boarding House in Biddeford, York County, Maine . . . this Timothy is a 3rd great-grandpa of the Keeper of this family history blog . . . also in the same household is his wife, Jerusha (my 3rd great-grandma) . . . and their married daughter, Jerusha, and her husband Atwood Frank Smith (my 2nd great-grandparents) . . . LUV the handwriting of the enumerator, Jere E. Lord, on this census page . . . possibly aka Jeremiah E. Lord who died in 1864 in Biddeford . . .

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

1754 :: Harmon and Milliken

On this date in our family history . . . the 23rd day of May . . . in the year 1754 . . . Elizabeth "Betsey" Harmon becomes the bride of Lieut. Edward Milliken in Scarboro, Maine . . . this Betsey and Edward are 6th great-grandparents to the Keeper of this family history blog . . .

The Harmon genealogy, comprising all branches in New England (Google eBook)
by Artemas Canfield Harmon
Printed by Gibson bros., inc., 1920

Monday, May 21, 2012

1930 :: Uncle Bob is born


Robert E. Henry, Jr.
born 21st May 1930
16A Parrott Street
Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts
died 21st December 1997
Veteran's Administration Hospital
Temple, Bell County, Texas

This is our Uncle Bob, my Mom's only brother . . . he never married or had children of his own . . . but I have childhood memories of him being at our house for holidays . . . and bringing extra-special gifts . . . the page image in the above collage is from his baby book . . . the handwriting is that of his young Mother, Elizabeth Marilla Henry nee Smith (1912-1932) . . . and that is her holding him in the lower left corner . . .

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sentimental Sunday :: The Voices of my Grandmas

Remembering the Grandmas . . .
for Mother's Day . . . 

Go to to create your own Wordle similar to this one

I hear the voices of my grandmas
Calling out from a distant past
"Please do not let us be forgot.
Record our stories that we may last."
Tell the children of our wanderings
Let the kinfolk hear the tales
How we braved the new horizons
How we blazed the olden trails.
How we buried too many babies
How we struggled to keep them fed
How we caressed the hands of our loved ones
As they lay dying on their beds.
How we endured many a hardship
With an eye to the future goal
To create a more promising future
And to keep our family whole.
They were as different from each other
As the scraps in a crazy quilt
Yet once the pieces were sewn together
Another generation they had built
I can sense them calling out to me
From the gloaming of my past
"Please do not let us be forgot.
Record our stories that we may last."

Begotten . . .
and may they never be forgotten . . .
Remembering my Grandmas . . .

The above family poem was composed by benotforgot back in 2009 in response to a challenge posted at Genea-Musings: Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Poetry and Genealogy . . . and the Wordle (name cloud) was created at . . .

Saturday, April 07, 2012

In loving memory . . .

We have this moment to hold in our hands
and to touch as it slips through our fingers like sand;
Yesterday's gone and tomorrow may never come,
But we have this moment today.

Remembering . . .
Bennie Everhart
20 March 1948 ~ 07 April 2010

Hold tight to the sound of the music of living,
Happy songs from the laughter of children at play;
Hold my hand as we run through the sweet fragrant meadows,
Making mem'ries of what was today.

Tender words, gentle touch and a good cup of coffee,
And someone who loves me and wants me to stay;
Hold them near while they're here and don't wait for tomorrow,
To look back and wish for today.

Take the blue of the sky and the green of the forest,
And the gold and the brown of the freshly mown hay;
Add the pale shades of spring and the circus of autumn,
And weave you a lovely today.

For we have this moment to hold in our hands
and to touch as it slips through our fingers like sand;
Yesterday's gone and tomorrow may never come,
But we have this moment today.

Lyrics by Gloria Gaither
Music by William J. Gaither
© 1975 William J. Gaither

Friday, March 30, 2012

1837 :: Death of Margaret Watson

On this date in our family history . . . the 30th day of March . . . in the year 1837 . . . Margaret Porter nee Watson dies in Greene County, Georgia . . . this Margaret is a maternal great-grandma to Josephine Wingfield Henry nee Davis (1842-1899) . . . who is a 2nd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog . . . 

Georgia Comprising Sketches of
Counties, Towns, Events, Institutions, and Persons
Arranged in Cyclopedic Form
Allen Daniel Candler, Clement Anselm Evans
was some mercantile establishments shipping interests etc Porter Oliver S is to be considered as the virtual founder of the village of Porterdale where he has been engaged in the manufacturing of cotton goods about forty years being one of the best known and most honored citizens of Newton county and a member of old and distinguished families of this commonwealth He was born near Penfield Greene county Ga June 18 1836 a son of James M Porter who was born on the same family homestead and of Al fiah J Cox Porter who was born in Morgan county Ga The paternal great grandparents of the subject of this review were John and Mary Anthony Porter who came to America from Belfast Ireland in 1745 and settled in Prince Edward county Va At the in

Text not available

Friday, March 23, 2012

Happy Birthday, Sercey

These little ones being held by their fathers are first cousins . . . on the left is my Dad, Forrest Lee Pounders (1927-1996), son of Ima (1906-1999) & Jake (1902-1957) Pounders . . . on the right is Sercey Quinney, son of Shorty (1907-2002) & Dean Quinney (1901-1987) . . . Ima and Shorty were two of seven daughters born to Charlie & Emma (Nettles) Muston . . . Sercey is celebrating his 84th birthday today . . .

Happy Birthday, Sercey!

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Wordless Wednesday :: Could I have this dance . . .

On this date . . . the 8th day of February . . .
in the year nineteen hundred and seventy-five . . .
I married my favorite dancing partner . . .

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Happy Birthday, Emily Rebecca

Twenty-something years ago . . . on this date . . . the 24th day of January . . . the 2nd of my three beautiful nieces was born . . . Happy Birthday, Em! . . . Luv ya bunches . . . Auntie Vickie . . . 

Click > HERE < to pick up your very own copy of the vintage forget-me-not image used above -- and it's FREE -- from Vintage Scrapbooking!

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Journal

One hundred fifty years ago today . . . on this very date . . . the 16th day of January . . . in the year 1862 . . . James Madison Hall (1819-1866) sat down in Liberty County, Texas . . . and picked up his pen to compose a few sentences about the events of his day . . .

Thursday, January 16th, 1862. To day I am engaged painting in the new house. Boys are also at work on the house, which is now progressing some better. weather clear and pleasant.

J.M. Hall would continue this practice on a daily basis until his death in September of 1866 . . . these Journal excerpts have their very own blog . . . . . . which will automatically feed to this Twitter account (just in case you would like to follow along there) . . . and they also appear daily on this Facebook page . . .

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