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Saturday, June 27, 2009

1885 :: Death of Mahala

Background design by Robyn Gough
On this date in our family history . . . the 27th day of June . . . in the year 1885 . . . Mahala Lee Sharp Hall nee Roberts dies on the Hall Plantation in Houston County, Texas . . . this Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma of the Keeper of this family history blog. . . .

Mahala Lee Roberts was born in Washington Parish, Louisiana on 3rd November 1816, the 7th of nine children born to Elisha Roberts (1774-1844) and Martha "Patsy" Gill (1781-1845), who had moved from Kentucky to Louisiana ca. 1811. 

By the time Mahala was 10 years of age her family was living in the Ayish Bayou area of Coahuila y Tejas, where Mahala would grow up in a house that fronted on the public highway (El Camino Real / King's Highway) coming into Texas. The Elisha Roberts home was frequented by many overland travelers, and while known far and wide for its hospitality, there is also a record of a murder or two on Elisha's property -- ca. 1826 or 1827 -- when a Matthias Yokum and his brother-in-law, James Collier, were killed by a man reported to be named Charles Chandler.

During Mahala's teenage years, her father was elected as Alcalde of Ayish Bayou (1831), as well as being a delegate to the 1833 convention at San Felipe de Austin. During the Texas Revolution, this household furnished provisions, lodging and transportation for the revolutionary cause. Mahala was 19 years old at the time of the Battle of the Alamo (1836), and when Gen. Sam Houston was wounded at the Battle of San Jacinto shortly thereafter, he spent a part of his recovery period in the household of our Elisha.

On 22nd March 1838, a 21-year-old Mahala became the wife of John M. Sharp (age & further info unknown at this time). Their son -- Samuel Houston Sharp (1839-1885) -- was born the following year, followed by a daughter in 1840, and sometime after that birth, our John M. Sharp disappears from all records we have been able to research.

In 1844, Mahala's father dies, followed by the death of her sister, Elizabeth, in May of 1845, and then her Mother, Patsy, the following December -- just 9 days before Texas is annexed as the 28th state of the Union. In 1846, Mahala is listed on the tax list for San Augustine County, indicating she is head-of-household. In 1847 her sister, Anna, dies in Austin County.

On the 1850 Census for San Augustine County, Mahala is enumerated as living next door to Lt. Governor John A. Greer. In February of 1851, Mahala marries a much older Joshua James Hall, and they set up housekeeping on the Hall Plantation in Houston County, Texas.

. . . In 1850, he (J. J. Hall) married his third wife, Mahala Roberts Sharp, a widow who came to Houston County before 1835. She was the daughter of Elisha Roberts, an early Spanish Alcalde, of San Augustine, Texas. To this union were born two children, a daughter Roberta, born 25 May 1852, and a son, Horace was born 22 Sep 1854. Both of these children were born on the Elkhart Creek Plantation. Horace was called 'Toby' by the slaves. He was very close to these people and he always included them as his friends. Joshua and Mahala were very fond of dancing. They went into Crockett to dancing school. At their Plantation, they had balls for the benefit of the Confederacy. They were active Methodists in the early Methodist church of Crockett. . . . by Esther M. Biggers nee Hall (great-granddaughter of Joshua & Mahala)

Mahala's life between 1860 and 1866 is documented on a sometimes daily basis in the Civil War-era journal of her stepson and son-in-law, James Madison Hall (1819-1866), who had married Mahala and John's daughter, Margaret Sharp, in 1859. Mahala's son and my 2nd great-grandpa, Sam, marries Mary Alexandrien Lemaire in 1861, who dies in 1876. Mahala's 2nd husband dies sometime after the 1870 census, and her daughter, Margaret, dies ca. 1878.

Mahala is enumerated as the head-of-household on the Hall Plantation at the time of the 1880 census. Other family members in the household are her widowed son, Sam, and his 6 surviving children, including my great-grandma, Berta Mary (1873-1955). It is said that Sam as well as his youngest daughter, Willie, died ca. 1885, which is the same year Mahala died.

The deceased family members listed in the last two paragraphs are buried in the Hall Cemetery in Houston County, Texas, which has been designated by the State of Texas as an official historical cemetery.

FYI . . . I created the collage image of our Mahala by starting with a background paper designed by Robyn Gough. I then used Picasa to select that backround page, plus Mahala's photo, plus a brown backer for the photo, and created a new image using the collage feature. I then used Picasa to add Mahala's name as well as the floral frame (dingbat font) around Mahala's face.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

1930 :: Death of Grandma Cain

On this date in 1930 . . . the 23rd day of June . . . Grandma Cain died in Tanglewood, Lee County, Texas . . . aka Susan / Susanna / Sushannah Cain nee Holland . . . she was born 08 December 1841 in Franklin County, Alabama . . . and she is a 2nd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog . . . the burial location of Grandma Cain is marked with a simple homemade tombstone, which is shown on the left in the photo collage . . . on the right is Grandma Cain holding her great-grandson, James Oscar Beard (1918-1980) . . .

Rockdale Reporter. Thursday, June 26, 1930. Rural News. Tanglewood. June 23 -- Grandma Cain is very low at this writing. [Note . . .she actually died this date, Monday, June 23, 1930. See also: Thursday, July 10, 1930.]

Rockdale Reporter. Thursday, July 10, 1930. Rural News. Cole Springs. Grandma Cain passed away last Monday evening. She had been helpless and bed-ridden since last October. She was ready and anxious to take her departure. She knew in whom she believed, and she was not afraid to die. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." Mrs. Cain was a native of Alabama. She was 88 years old the 8th of last December. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. J.M. Pounder of Tanglewood, and a host of grandchildren and great grandchildren to mourn her departure.

Texas Death Certificate. "Deceased was not attended by a Physician during her last sickness. Cause of Death from statements was dysentary. Dislocated hip from which she was confined to sick bed until her death."

"I.C. Shaffer, M.D., . . . am of the opinion that her ailments were results of dislocated hip in October 1929, & the immediate cause of her death was dysintiry."

I still have quite a few questions about this Sushannah. The genealogy info passed on to me by numerous family members said that Sushannah was married to Isaac Cosby Cain and that they had two children -- Thomas Sylvester Cain (1862-1920) and my great-grandma, Mary Susan Pounders nee Cain (1873-1950).

When I started doing my own research, I found Sushannah on the following census records --
  • 1850 :: 8-year-old Susan Holland is enumerated in Franklin County, Alabama with her parents, Edward & Mary A. M. Holland
  • 1860 :: 18-year-old Susan Cain is enumerated in Marion County, Alabama with her husband, Isaac Cain
  • 1870 :: have not been able to locate Sushannah or Isaac or many of Susan's family members on any census records
  • 1880 :: 48-year-old (?) Susan Cain is enumerated as a widow living in Belgreen, Franklin County, Alabama with her children, 18-year-old Thoms S. Cain & 7-year-old Mary S. Cain (my great-grandma)
  • 1900 :: have not been able to locate Sushannah . . . she is NOT enumerated in Texas with either of her children and not enumerated in Alabama with her widowed mother or with any of her sisters . . . but family tradition says she came to Texas with her married daughter ca. 1896 . . .
  • 1910 :: have not been able to locate Sushannah . . . not enumerated in Texas with either of her children
  • 1920 :: have not been able to locate Sushannah . . . not enumerated in Texas with either of her children
  • 1930 :: 88-year-old Susin Cain is enumerated in the household of her married daughter in Lee County, Texas

Susanna Cain's "Widow's Application for Confederate Pension" was dated 06 June 1930, less than two weeks before she died after being bedridden since October of 1929. In a cover letter (from the County Judge) which accompanied the application, W.F. Schlosshan observed that, ". . . she (Susannah) is very old ~ more than 88 years, and she was not able to furnish all the information in her application. . . ."

In said application it is alleged that Susannah stated that she was married to Isaac Cosby CAIN in 1858 in Franklin County, Alabama. It is also alleged that Susannah stated that her husband had died in 1865 in Alabama. In another part of the same application, it is stated that Isaac CAIN ". . . may have died before being discharged."

Online I found the following . . . Cain Isaack Company I Regiment 42 AL Hospital No.3 DOD 3/28/1863 Grave #951 . . . this Isaack Cain was buried in Vicksburg following his death during the time of the Vicksburg Campaign . . .

HOWEVER . . . IF this is Susannah's husband, "their" daughter, Mary Susan (CAIN) Pounders, was allegedly born 30 September 1873 in Franklin County, Alabama . . . about eight years after this Isaac is said to have died . . . and more than ten years after the death of the "Isaack Cain" at Vicksburg . . . I found Mary Susan on every census record beginning in 1880 . . . and they all support the ca. 1873 date of birth . . .

A letter dated 24 May 1930 from the War Department in Washington stated the following . . . "the records show that one Isaac Cain enlisted August 10, 1862, at Columbus, as private of Company I, 42d Alabama Infantry, C.S.A. . . . The company muster roll for September and October, 1862, . . . reports him absent, taken prisoner and paroled October 5, 1862 . . . another records shows that he was paroled at Bolivar, Tennessee, October 13, 1862 . . . no later record of him has been found. . . ."

Susannah's pension application was approved . . . on a husband that supposedly died during the war (1861-1865) . . . but it appears that the only payment that may have been made would have been after her death . . . when one of her grandsons made an Application for Mortuary Warrant. . . .

Friday, June 19, 2009

Main Street in Rockdale

Old Rockdale postcard . . .
Main St. north from I & G. N. Depot, Rockdale, Texas

The postcard in the collage has been reproduced in multiple Rockdale publications . . . location / ownership / existence of original unknown . . .

According to a newspaper clipping from the files of my cousin, Peggy, a Henry family reunion was held at the old Hamilton homeplace in Rockdale, Milam County, Texas sometime in 1931. That yellowed and crumbling piece of paper recorded the following about the arrival of my 2nd great-grandpa, William Paschal Henry (1836-1912), and his family in the brand-new town of Rockdale, Milam County, Texas . . .

On Oct. 3, 1876, the Henrys arrived in Rockdale to visit a sister and family of Mrs. Henry's, it being Dr. and Mrs. M. F. Anthony, who at that time had the post office and drug store combined on the corner where the Wolf Hotel now stands.

That is the Hotel Wolf in the lower right corner of the above collage, with an arrow pointing to the same building on the old Rockdale postcard. The Hotel had gone out of business before 1935 when Rockdale's American Legion post purchased the building.

During World War II the building's second story was lopped off and its Main Street front was shortened and remodeled. A stage was added and the hall became the place to be for dances and music for almost 20 years. Rockdale Reporter, 06 Aug 1998

When I was in high school (the 60's), we frequently spent a portion of our weekend hours attending teen dances -- with real live bands! -- in the un-airconditioned bottom-half of this building. My parents were regular fixtures as chaperones at these events.

Directly across the street was McVoy's Grocery Store where my parents shopped weekly. Every Friday, my widowed Grandma, who never learned to drive, had her grocery list ready for Mom or Dad to take with them to McVoy's. There was a large wooden magazine rack near the front door where I would sit and read comic books while Mom checked out. Mr. Galbreath kept the produce stocked and freshly washed, and would give us pieces of fresh sugar cane to chew on. The meat market at McVoy's was where Mom bought steak cutlets for making her infamous chicken-fried steak with cream gravy which NONE of us have ever been able to replicate.

I was back on Main Street just this past weekend while in Rockdale for the 75th Annual Rockdale Homecoming as well as my Mom's 60th RHS Class Reunion, where I was flattered to be told by numerous people (who had known Mom since the 40s) that, "You look just like your Mom!"

At the Homecoming gathering, one lady said to me, "Aren't you the one who found the snake in the bedroom when you were babysitting Delaine?" That was also during high school in the 60s! I was babysitting for the local pharmacist in his home. The baby and I were sitting in the rocker / recliner in her nursery when I saw a snake come crawling in the room! I got out of the room with Delaine and shut the door (which wasn't much of a barrier since it had such a gap at the bottom) and called my trusty Dad at our home (no cell phones in those days). Dad was there immediately, but it took him a while to find and kill the poisonous copperhead -- it had crawled up into the coils under the rocker / recliner!

Before I left town, we (me & Mom & my sister) visited the Dan Kubiak exhibit at the I&GN Depot, and I also took a few photos of Joy Graham's Bit of History building on Cameron Avenue.

The journey back home to Main Street was nostalgic, while somehow filled with the sweet assurance that at Home we are not forgotten. These people knew me as a child. They knew my grandparents. And in some cases, their parents and grandparents knew my ancestors. And many of the families of Rockdale have somehow managed to climb into my family tree!

This 19th of June 2009 blogpost was prepared for Evelyn Yvonne Theriault's June edition of the Festival of Postcards . . . and was also submitted for Postcard Friendship Friday which was formerly hosted by Marie Reed.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wordless Wednesday :: Mom in 1949

RHS Pep Leaders, Rockdale, Texas

A Letter to My Dad

Background design by Nicole Young

This collage features me . . . aka BeNotForgot . . . and my Dad, Forrest Lee Pounders (1927-1996) . . . the photo in the upper right shows my Dad placing a lucky penny in my shoe on my wedding day in 1975 . . . my Mom made my blue velvet gown . . . at my request, my Dad wore the same navy blue suit he wore the day her married my Mom . . . and he then wore it one more time . . . for his final Homegoing on the day of his memorial service in January of 1996 . . . a few years after his death from kidney cancer, I sat down and wrote a letter to my Dad . . . I am sharing it with the blogosphere today . . . for Father's Day . . .

Hey Dad -- Hard to believe it's actually been five years since that last summer with all of us together.

I traveled back to our hometown for my class reunion this past weekend (2000). That reminded me of the weekend of our 1995 class reunion -- a weekend I chose to spend with family instead of former classmates. That turned out to be your last weekend of actually feeling anything like your old self -- for you started those experimental cancer treatments the following Monday. And life was never to be the same again.

That was also the weekend of Rick and Cathy's wedding -- you were to be his best man, but didn't feel up to it. We, your children, attended the wedding as your representatives.

But the best part of that weekend was sitting out in the backyard at the home you shared with Momma for 45 years -- the home we four children grew up in -- the backyard full of so many happy memories. We had the best "private playground" of any of our classmates, thanks to you and Uncle Billy -- a merry-go-round, a seesaw, and a swingset set in concrete so that we could swing high enough to touch the leaves of the shade trees as we aimed for the sky. And the dog trough where we always dumped the tadpoles from Ham Branch, and soon had little baby frogs hopping all over the place.

Nearby were the various garden spots with that wonderful Central Texas sand where you and your Mother grew those wonderful vegies (sure would like some of yall's fresh new potatoes and fresh tomatoes right now!) -- and where we delighted in chasing and catching baby horned toads when we were kids. Remember how we filled our little red wagons with sand and made homes for those baby horned toads? And made beds for them in match boxes?

And then there were the doodlebugs? Funny how that became such a sweet term of endearment in your later years. Guess you started it by calling Jacob "Doodlebug," which he in turn decided to call you. He still (at age ten now) talks about his "Doodlebug." [Did you know they are actually the larva of a winged creature similar to a dragonfly? I didn't!]

As I'm prone to do, I brought in boxes full of scrapbooks and family photo albums, and all of us -- you and Mom, your Mother, your kids and grandkids -- we all sat around the backyard leafing through the pages of memories of our lives together. There was laughter and there were tears, as we all -- somewhere deep inside -- realized that this was a day to burn into our memories, for the odds were against our ever getting to do it again in just that way.

I treasure the photos I took that day -- the central Texas sunlight filtering through the leaves of the trees that had stood guard duty over our little family for almost half-of-a-century. Those were the final photos of you really laughing and feeling good. We had ice-cold watermelon, one of the few things you kept an appetite for as your health declined. Many of your lifelong friends kept us supplied throughout that summer.

Anyway -- I could go on and on -- you know how I am!!! But I'll close for now -- just wanted to jot down a few thoughts. Luv you and miss you, Dad . . . see ya next time . . . your "eldest" daughter . . .

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tombstone Tuesday :: Wm. T. Merrill

William Thurston Merrill of Cumberland County, Maine

Ariana Bratt wrote that,
"This is William Merrill
on the wagon where he suffered a fatal accident."

Ariana is a 4th cousin who descends from William Merrill's daughter, Lucy, who is a younger sister to my 2nd great-grandma, Phoebe, as well as to Elizabeth, who is the woman who raised Phoebe's daughter, Eva, as her own. Eva is my Mom's maternal grandma who helped take care of Mom and her brother during the first years of their lives following the death of their Mother. The two photos of William Merrill used in the above collage were shared by Ariana's mother, Dr. Susan Snow, of Maine. The upper left image is cropped from a poorly-done :( tombstone photo I took in 1998.

Biddeford Daily Journal. Biddeford, Maine, Friday Evening, June 17, 1898. William T. Merrill died Thursday at his residence at Pine Point, aged eighty-two years and two months. He was one of the oldest inhabitants of Scarboro. Four sons and four daughters survive him. The funeral will be held Sunday at 2 o'clock at his late residence.

Biddeford Daily Journal. Biddeford, Maine, Monday Evening, June 20, 1898. The funeral of William Merrill took place at his residence yesterday. Rev. Mr. Goodwin of Pine Point conducted the service and selections were sung by a quartet from Dunstan church. The attendance was large, and many beautiful flowers were given. The entertainment [sic] was at the Dunstan Corner cemetery.

Newburyport Transcript, June 24, 1898. Pine Point, Maine. Mr. Wm. Merrill who fell from his work cart Tuesday, the fourteenth, died at his home Thursday night. It was thought at first he had received no injury, but at midnight he grew worse and continued to fail until Thursday night when he passed away. Mr. Merrill was eighty-two years of age, an old and respected citizen. He leaves eight children to mourn his loss, four sons and four daughters. His funeral was Sunday. Mr. Merrill’s wife died about two years ago.

Monday, June 15, 2009

COG Swimsuit Edition :: At the beach

Family Photos
Lynn Beach, Essex County, Massachusetts
circa 1931 and 1933


My Mom is the adorable little girl in the photo above on the top right. The little boy running away from the camera is her older brother, Robert E. Henry, Jr. (1930-1997). The good-looking couple in the middle-left photo is my grandparents -- Robert E. Henry, Sr. (1905-1976) and his first wife, Elizabeth Marilla Henry nee Smith (1912-1932).

Robert Henry was born in Milam County, Texas in 1905, and had been working as a cowboy in West Texas before travelling to Dallas, Texas in 1927 and enlisting in the United States Navy. It is highly doubtful that he had ever seen the ocean before making that drastic change in his lifestyle.

While in the Navy, he met and married the 17-year-old Maine beauty who was to become my maternal grandma -- Elizabeth Marilla Smith. They married in July of 1929. Their son was born in May of 1930. Robert was discharged from the Navy in January of 1931. Mom was born in January of 1932. And Elizabeth died 3 days later.

Based on the photos we are blessed to have in our family, it would seem that they must have spent a large portion of their very brief time together playing on the sandy beaches of Lynn, Massachusetts, as well as at Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire. One of the tidbits of information that was passed to my Mom about her mother was that Elizabeth was a talented swimmer, and loved the water.

I'm not sure about the date of the photo of that baby girl in the above collage, but it must have been taken during the summer of 1933. or 1934. Is that baby girl 18 months old, or 30 months old? [I found a photo of Mom dated 1934, and based on it, this one has to be 1933.]

This blogpost created for the . . . 

Monday, June 08, 2009

1930 on Lynn Blvd.

The above collage includes an actual postcard showing a birds-eye view of Lynn Shore Drive, Lynn, Mass. The comment about the outing in the new carriage is an actual entry in the baby book of Robert E. Henry, Jr. (1930-1997) -- aka Uncle Bob. And the snapshot of the carriage on the upper right is clipped from one of the family photos on Lynn Beach. I chose the green premade template for the background as representative of Uncle Bob's birthstone -- the emerald -- for the month of May.

If you look at the snapshot of Uncle Bob in the lower left corner of the collage, you will notice what appears to be a monument of some sort directly behind his head. Then if you peer closely at the two postcards, you will be able to make out what might be the same monument situated just around the upper curve on Lynn Blvd. or Lynn Shore Dr. Does anybody know what that monument is? Or exactly where on Lynn Shore Drive that might be?

The above postcard is another version of the postcard used in the above collage. I am assuming that this is the original photo from which the postcard used in the collage was created.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

100 years ago ... for Saturday Night with Randy ...

For tonight's Saturday Night Genealogy Fun, Randy Seaver -- my new-found distant cousin!* (clarify :: didn't just find HIM but did just find that we are related!) -- says that "Tonight's Genealogy Fun is to tell --

  • Which of your ancestors were alive in 1909? Where your ancestral families were living in 1909. What country, state, county, city/town, etc. Who was in the family at the time? Use the 1910 census as "close enough."

  • On the 6th day of June in the year 1909 . . . on my Dad's side of the family . . .
    • His father, Jacob Edmund Forrest POUNDERS (1902-1957) -- who is one of twelve children -- is a month shy of his 7th birthday and living in Manor, Travis County, Texas with his parents, James Madison POUNDERS (1867-1942) and Mary Susan [CAIN?] POUNDERS (1873-1950). Also in the house in 1909 would have been these siblings -- Zula Rodoski (1889-1968), Margaret Darthula (1891-1963), James Thomas Luther (1893-1984), William Rufus Oscar (1895-1979), Anna Virilla (1896-1978), Minnie Ruth Estelle (1899-1976), Fannie Myrtle Lee (1904-1947) and Everett Franklin (1908-1910). Bernice (1913-1999) and Freddie Benjamin (1916-1987) came along later.
      • The widowed mother of James Madison POUNDERS -- Nancy Virilla (QUINN) POUNDERS (1847-1930) -- is living in Franklin County, Alabama, with her married daughter, Annie (POUNDERS) GRISSOM and her husband, John Wesley, and three of their children -- Luther Wesley, Rutha and Eva.
      • And while I have not been able to find the widowed mother of Mary Susan (CAIN?) POUNDERS on the 1910 Census, it is said that Susanna (HOLLAND) CAIN came to Texas ca. 1896 with her daughter and family and lived with them until her death in Texas in 1930.
    • In 1909, Dad's mother -- Ima Lois (MUSTON) POUNDERS -- is only 3 years old and would have been living with her parents, Charley MUSTON (1882-1815) and Emma Patience (NETTLES) MUSTON (1882-1964), in Lee County, Texas. Ima is the 2nd of seven children -- all girls -- Erma Audrey (1904-1991), Ima Lois (1906-1999), Mollie Gertrude (1907-2002), Stella May (1909-2001), Nona Amy (1911-2002), Gladys Coreen (1913-2007), and Pauline Lucille (1915-2004).
      • Charley's widowed father, William Alexander MUSTON (1854-1936), is living with his son in Lee County, Texas.
      • Emma's widowed mother, Mary Annie (WEST) NETTLES (1852-1939), is also living in Lee County in 1909 -- with her unmarried son, William Edward Nettles (1874-1947).

    On the 6th day of June in the year 1909 . . . on my Mom's side of the family . . .
    • Her father, Robert E. HENRY (1905-1976), is living with his parents -- Edgar HENRY (1872-1950) and Berta Mary (SHARP) HENRY (1873-1955) just north of Rockdale in Milam County, Texas. Siblings in the household in 1909 would have included Rubie May (1895-1978), George Rettig (1897-1977), Frank (1899-1952), Milton Edgar (1902-1975), and Oscar Lee (1907-1981). Another brother will be born, and die, on 16 Sept 1909, followed by one more sister, Nellie Josephine, in 1912.
      • Edgar's widowed father, William Paschal HENRY (1836-1912) is living with his son in Milam County.
      • Berta's parents and grandparents are all dead by long before 1909.
    • Mom's Mother -- Elizabeth Marilla (SMITH) HENRY (1912-1932) -- is not on the scene yet, but Elizabeth's parents -- Thomas Warren Alonzo SMITH (1866-1920) and Eva May BRACKETT (1874-1936) -- are living at 43 Prospect Street in Biddeford, Maine, where they operate a florist and landscaping business. They have one child in 1909 -- Thomas, Jr. (1904-1959).
      • Thomas' parents are both dead by 1909, but Eva's adoptive parents -- Peter BRACKETT (1838-1927) and Elizabeth J. (MERRILL) BRACKETT (1841-1911) -- are renting at 74 Beach Street in Saco, Maine, while her birth mother -- Phoebe (MERRILL) MORSE TRIPP (1848-bef. 1930) -- is living in Gorham, Maine with another married daughter. The birth father will probably never be known.

    *It does seem that Randy and I both descend from the same Aquila CHASE (1618-1670) and Anne WHEELER (1627-1687) -- Randy via their son, Thomas (1654-1733), and his wife, Rebecca Follansbee -- and me via their son, Aquila (1652-1720), and his wife, Esther BOND, whose daughter, Esther (1674-1751) married Daniel MERRILL (1670-1725), and they are 4th great-grandparents of the Phoebe MERRILL mentioned above, who is one of my 2nd great-grandmas.

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