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Monday, August 19, 2013

1692 :: Rebekah Accused as a Witch

On this date in our family history . . . the 19th day of August . . . in the year 1692 . . . Rebekah Eames is examined before Salem Majestrats on accusation of being a witch . . . this Rebekah is a 9th great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog . . .

See also . . . The Devil in the Shape of a Horse by cousin Bill West . . . and Five People Hung for Witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts by cousin Heather Wilkinson Rojo . . .


BeNotForgot said...

See also . . .

BeNotForgot said...

19 August 1692. Rebecca witnesses executions of 19th August from "the house below the hill."

Image shows Sidney Perley standing near where the nineteen accused were hanged during that long ago summer of 1692, "with their bodies discarded" in this nearby crevice. "Sidney Perley was the first to suggest Proctor’s Ledge, writing in 1921 that the hangings took place at this “rocky outcrop.”

"To identify the site, the researchers combed through maps, court documents and other primary sources, hoping to determine the location of “the house below the hill.” That phrase, discovered among nearly 1,000 pages of court records by researcher Marilynne Roach, was uttered by 51-year-old accused witch REBECCA EAMES during her preliminary examination on Aug. 19, 1692. The magistrate asked if she had witnessed the five executions that occurred earlier that day and EAMES responded that she was at “the house below the hill” when she saw the executions." [The Gallows Hill Project]

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