On this date in our family history . . . the 3rd day of April . . . in the year 1739 . . . Deacon David Foster places the following order for gravestones for some of his family members . . . this David Foster is a 7th great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog . . .

Mr. Robert Mulican of Bradford: Ser pray make: for me Two Grave Stones; one for David Foster jeuner of Andover who died the 22; day of Dec; in the year of our Lord; 1736, in the 20th year of his age; the son of David and Lidea Foster of Andover.
And one for Lidea Foster the daughter of David and Lidea Foster of Andover who died in the 17th year of her age in the year of our Lord 1736 and, when they are made, send me word; and I will come and pay you for them.
David Foster.
And one for Isaac Foster; the son of Joshua and Mary Foster of Andover who died in the third year of her age in the year 1738. Pray send me word when it is made; and I will satisfye you for it.
Joshua Foster.
Let them all be made; before you send us word the 3rd day of April, 1739.

Foster Genealogy
Frederick Clifton Pierce
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