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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

1819 :: Birth of James Madison Hall

On this date in our extended family history . . . the 22nd day of February . . . in the year 1819 . . . James Madison Hall is born in Baltimore, Maryland . . . my known connections to this James Madison Hall include . . .

  1. he is my uncle by way of his 1859 marriage to my 2nd great-grand-aunt, Margaret A. Hall Stewart nee Sharp (1840-ca. 1878) . . . and . . .
  2. he is my step-uncle because he is the stepson of my 3rd great-grandma, Mahala Lee Sharp Hall nee Roberts (1816-1885) . . .
  3. which makes him the step-brother of my 2nd great-grandpa, Samuel Houston Sharp (ca. 1839 - ca. 1885) . . .
  4. who is the brother of Hall's wife, Margaret (mentioned in #1 above) . . .

This Uncle James . . . who wound up in Texas by the age of sixteen (1835) . . . and began his involvement with my family at least as early as 1851 . . . which was when his father married my widowed 3rd great-grandma . . . was thoughtful enough to give me seven years worth of material for a blog about life in Texas during the years of the war between the states . . . because he kept a daily Journal during the years 1860-1866 . . . and in those daily ramblings of his he made frequent mention of an assortment of my kith 'n kin . . . soooo . . . with this time period (2011-2015) being the Sesquicentennial of the Civil War . . . I began transcribing this Journal on the 150th anniversary of the day he penned his first entry in that 19th century ledger . . . and, almost one year ago, I told about my first encounter with the original of that Journal in this blogpost . . .

Tombstone photo shared by sjmj at . . . word collage prepared at . . . free background image from Daisy Gray Design . . . James Madison Hall photo from Aldrich book on The History of Houston County, Texas . . .


Heather Wilkinson Rojo said...

What a great blog post! You blended one of your wonderful collages with a genealogy story, a link to your other blog, and an "on this day in history" link. Thanks for sharing all this!

BeNotForgot said...

Wednesday, February 22nd, 1860. Houston County, Texas. To day nothing done in the clearing. Albert still laid up with his foot. Mother [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts] got 67 yds. of Texas Osnaburg's @ [13/2]? from me. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] visited Mrs. KEEN. Weather clear but rather cool.

*This Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog.

On this date . . . the 22nd day of February . . . in the year 1819 . . . James Madison Hall was born in Maryland. For some unknown reason, he does not mention his birthday in 1860, although he does make note of it in the following years.

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Friday, February 22nd, 1861. Houston County, Texas. To day I went home and found Bill at work on the mill house. In the evening the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] & Florence [Hall] with Father [Joshua James Hall], Mother [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts] & Toby [Horace Oscar Hall] came up. They returned home late in the evening. This being my birth day I took a milk punch. weather changable & warm for the time of year.

*This Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog. She is also the step-mother as well as the mother-in-law of JMH.

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Saturday, February 22nd, 1862. Liberty County, Texas. This being my birth day anniversary I celebrated it in a proper manner, with a large bowl of Egg Nogg & the etc. etc. that go with it. The Steamer Ruthven left for Galveston. Charley Lund came home from Hardin Co. Boys still in the swamp getting posts. Business very dull in fact almost dried up. weather changeable and warm for the season.

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Sunday, February 22nd, 1863. Houston County, Texas. To day being the anniversary of my birth day the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] gave me a fine dinner to which she invited Mother [Mahala* Lee Sharp Hall nee Roberts], Mr. & Mrs. Bird, all of whom came up and remained until late in the evening. I spent most of the day in writing up this journal. weather clear & pleasant, but a little too cool.

*This Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog.

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Monday, February 22nd, 1864. Houston County, Texas. To day the boys are at work plowing up the lower field. I ground 17 bushels of corn. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] rode up to see Mrs. Beazley but did not remain long. Be it remembered that the writer of this note book this day attained the 45th anniversary of his birth day. Weather clear and quite pleasant.

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Wednesday, February 22nd, 1865. Houston County, Texas. To day John is engaged hauling fire wood. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Roberts] is engaged in gardening. I sent to Billy Stewart by his boy Harry 80 lbs of flour which makes 140 lbs that he now owes me for. I this day attained the 46th anniversary of my birth day. Hicks ground 20 bushels of corn and 8 bushels of wheat. weather cloudy & warm with a rain throughout the day and night. The Elkhart creek is looming high.

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Thursday, February 22nd, 1866. Liberty County, Texas. All the forenoon I worked at the warehouse and the evening I spent at home. My cough and cold being no better and under which I am rapidly faiing. Be it remembered that I attained the 47th anniversary of my birth day, and I had a magnificent birth day dinner and cake, gotten up in my cook stove? in happy style & with rich profusion. Mrs. Massie is still here sewing for the family. Frank [Stewart] still sick. The children's eyes are still sore. Weather variable and cold with occasional showers of rain.

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