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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

1772 :: Anthony and Tate

On this date in our family history . . . the 29th day of September . . . in the year 1772 . . . Nancy Ann Tate becomes the bride of James Anthony in Bedford County, Virginia . . . this bride and groom are 5th great-grandparents to the Keeper of this family history blog . . . 

A grainy black and white PDF of the following document was shared in 2007 on by someone with the user-name of QuintonAnthony66 . . .


The unreadable portions in this document are replaced with a series of three dots / periods in the following transcription . . .

Know all men by these Presents that we James Anthony, Josiah Carter, and John Talbot are held and firmly bound to our Sovereign Lord King George the third in the sum of Fifty Pounds. . . . We bind ourselves . . . firmly by these Presents. Sealed & Dated this 29 Day of Sept. 1772.

The condition of this obligation is such that Whereas there is a Marriage . . . be had and solemnized between James Anthony & Ann Tate.

Now if there be no lawful cause to obstruct the same then the above obligation to be Void and found . . . otherwise to remain in full force & virtue.

Sealed & . . . in the Presence of -- James Anthony -- Josiah Carter -- John Talbot

As Mr. James Anthony and my Daughter has agreed in affinity there is no objection on my Side but that you safely give . . . for the . . . I am your Humbl Servnt -- Henry Tate -- Sept:ye: 28:1772

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