In the collage, you can see both the front and the back of the card, as well as a photo of my Pa Jake (1902-1957) when he was yet a little boy. I need to do a little research on this postcard. I do not know who Uncle Ed is (neither parent had a sibling named Ed), and I do not know why Jake would have been in Beaumont.
The condition of this Made in Germany postcard is very delicate. Divided-back postcards were first printed in Germany in 1905. During World War I, the industry suffered greatly, and many of the printing plants were never re-built after the war. U.S. Publishers tried to fill the void in the postcard market. To conserve ink -- beginning about 1915 -- publishers left a white border around the edge -- until the 1930's. These postcards will usually have a designated stamp box that reads something like -- Place one cent stamp here.

I found this image online in a free clipart collection while looking for info on when the above postcard might have been printed. I do not know what the back of this card looks like, but I do see similarities between this card and the one in the collage.
This blogpost originally written for the 2009 Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories . . . freshened up a bit and reposted for the 2010 Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories
What a lucky find! The cards are definitely from the same series of cards. You must have been shocked to find that match! Your Pa Jake was as cute as a button! Great to see you Vickie!
Wow! Fantastic collage. The two cards really are so similar. This gives me some great ideas for pics and cards I found during Thanksgiving. THanks!
Nice collage! Happy PFF.
I love vintage postcards. There is just something very romantic about them. These are just beautiful!
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