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Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Geneablogs in a Cloud!

The Keeper of this geneablog is most humbled to be seated amongst the great cloud of geneabloggers you see listed in the collage* to your left. BeNotForgot is listed in the upper left of the 2nd image.

Congratulations to each and every one of y'all who are listed here -- you are most deserving of the honor. And I just love all the creative names y'all came up with for your blogs!

For those of you who are not aware of this recognition of those who blog about genealogy, click > HERE < to read the announcement from Family Tree Magazine.

  • Click > HERE < to find an alphabetical listing of each of the blogs named in the word clouds, organized by category with clickable links (thanks fM!). If you have the time, visit them all!
  • Click > HERE < to go to the Voting Ballot. You are allowed to vote multiple times in each category, and if you wish to vote for BeNotForgot, you will find this blog listed with the Personal & Family Blogs, which is category #10.

* Click on the collage to enlarge it . . . and you're more than welcome to take a copy for your own use. These "word clouds" were created at > < and then edited in Picasa to create this image.


Thomas MacEntee said...

Way to go! Great work with the Wordle cloud!

Evelyn Yvonne Theriault said...

Congratulations, Vickie. Yours is truly a unique blog most particularly because of the altered art that you create - including today's very creative piece. Bravo!
Evelyn in Montreal

Caroline said...

I'm speechless! [OK, I'm not really ~ I can't even be wordless on Wordless Wednesday's =)] It's so beautiful ~ great job! AND Congratulations ~ your nomination is very well deserved!

Family Stories

Gini said...

Beautiful Vickie, thank you for showing us all off so unique and creatively.

Cindy said...

Vickie - This is wonderful!!!! I too am humbled to be among the blogs on this list. I want to write a post - but honestly don't know what to say. I will take you up on your offer to borrow this poster - it's fantastic! Thanks!!!

Bill West said...

Beautiful work. And congratulations!

Elizabeth O'Neal said...

Very cool cloud! And congratulations to YOU, Vickie!

Renee said...

This is lovely, Vickie! What a great memento for us all - thank you for your creativity and your enthusiasm. And congrats to you and all the nominees!

Above the Trees(Photoloom)

Terri said...

WOW-WIE! Love the Wordle! You do such a great job on your blog - I so enjoy seeing what you will come up next in the way of scrapbooking your family history - Congratulations on your nomination!

Greta Koehl said...

They're beautiful! (I didn't know I was nominated until today - talk about oblivious). Your nomination was well deserved - congratulations!

BeNotForgot said...

Oh my goodness, there just are not enough hours in my days these days! I have unexpectedly gone from mostly being free to be at my computer 24/7 to being otherwise occupied 10 hours a day, and it's playing heck with my time in my preferred alternate universe (the genealogy world).

I'm planning to visit each and every one of y'all and catch up on what you're doing, but for now I do want to say thank you for stopping by and taking the time to leave a note -- and CONGRATULATIONS to y'all, too! It is so neat being involved in a family such as this bunch of geneabloggers. And it is such an honor to be nominated with this group! E-y'all later. V. . . .

my Heritage Happens said...

Awesome Wordle cloud! Congratulations on your nomination!

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