Thirty-three years ago today . . . on the 19th day of April . . . in the year 1979 . . . a family history article written by Ruby (Nettles) Vance (1910-2003) appeared in The Giddings Times & News in Lee County, Texas . . . the article was written for the occasion of the 14th annual Lexington Homecoming . . . this Miss Ruby was a granddaughter of the subject of the story -- Mollie (West) Nettles (1852-1939) -- and she introduced the story by saying . . .
One afternoon in the summer of 1932 this writer visited her aging grandmother for the purpose of taking notes on some of the Civil War stories she had heard her tell all her life. . . .
This Mollie is a 2nd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog . . . and the entire text of that 1979 article about those rememberings (plus a few notes from me) can be found > HERE < . . . meanwhile . . . later that day in 1932, probably weary from relating her "rememberings," Mollie told her granddaughter that . . .
There were twenty-one families of relatives and friends who finally in 1869 had finalized plans to come to Texas where it was hoped it would be easier to start over. So we made the long trek from northern Mississippi and that in itself is a long tale. This afternoon is about spent and I have chores to do. Come again and I'll tell you of the trip and our early years in Texas.
Miss Ruby later stated that . . .
Regretfully, this writer never did go back, except on briefer visits, to pick up where we left off that day. However, we do remember some of the things she told at times about that trip. . . . My grandmother never knew what it was to have an easy life, but she knew how to make the best of what she had. She told this writer one time, "You take the good and the bad as they come. But if you look at things the right way, the good always comes out ahead."
I love your style of writing and the addition of little "poems". tombstone writings, and especially how you have listed all the Surnames and related family names--a great idea. Thanks for following Those Old Memories!
Oh, how sweet you are, Cheri! Your comment is much appreciated.
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