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Friday, April 24, 2009

Postcard Friendship Friday

In the brief time period of 06 June 1876 thru 26 April 1877, one of my 2nd great-grand-uncles -- Dr. Milton Antony, Jr. (1824-1885) -- was the 2nd Postmaster in the new (1874) little "town" of Rockdale, Milam County, Texas.

A little over a century later, my father, Forrest Lee Pounders (1927-1996), retired from the same Post Office. And my sister now carries the very route our Dad walked for so many years. Needless to say, in this family there are more than a few "mail" collections.

I found this photo several years ago in an antique shop in Ellis County, Texas. I just could not leave this unidentified couple and their homemade mailbox sitting there in that basket -- I felt compelled to take them home with me. And today -- Postcard Friendship Friday -- they are stepping out into the light of day here in rural Texas to say, "Howdy, y'all!" and "Have a nice day!"

Waiting for the mail . . . 


Marie Reed said...

I'm swooning! I just adore the split rail type mailbox:) This is magical! The couple have such character. It's a very intense image somehow! Happy PFF!

Eddy said...

Oh ! Look the mailbox ! Fine
Nice picture, thank you.
Happy PFF

Anonymous said...

Awesome photo... wish she had her bonnet on... I wonder what they called the dog in the background? I wonder what their names were... actually, I wonder about alot of stuff... LOL

viridian said...

I wondered about the dark gloves, but upon enlarging the photo I see these are her work gloves. And she is holding her sunbonnet in her hands.
thanks for sharing.

Beth Niquette said...

How perfectly lovely. Thank you for this trip into yesteryear. Wonderful find! Happy Pff!

Betsy Brock said...

He looks like Jed Clampett! :) Lovely picture! And sooo neat that your sister does the same mail route as your dad did. I love your blog! :)

Four-eyed-missy said...

Hi... Like Marie, I share her love and fascination for mailboxes! This one is classic. And what a beautiful postcard it is.

Postcards Crossing

MuseSwings said...

I love this! PFF is a serendipitous day with these fascinating posts. About the couple....are we supposed to guess whether it will be a girl or a boy? You can see her "expectations" in her smile too.

Mandala Michelle said...

Beautiful photo. My Mom is the family "historian" so I'm always treated to some great pics like this. Love it (and nice to meet you!)

Margo said...

I'm glad you introduced this lovely couple to us today. What wonderful faces! happy PFF!

Aimee said...

This is a great card! Such character! I love the mailbox!

Chandy said...

Great postcard of that couple and that mailbox!

New to your blog and this meme!

Postcardy said...

Great image. It reminds me of "American Gothic" by Grant Wood.

papel1 said...

Great postcard! A great looking couple by a fun mailbox.

Judith Richards Shubert said...

Good morning, Vickie! Wonderful old photo. How fantastic to have such a legacy of postmasters and mail carriers in your family. My great-great-grandmother was the postmistress in the little town of Brock, Parker Co., Texas. Thanks for showing us this neat card. Happy PFF!

Terry said...

This is my first PFF,my first visit to your blog . Just the first of many visits to come .
I want to just reach and hug this precious couple. From the photo you can see they are still so much in love,they worked hard as a a team to not simply exist but to live and thrive in a land and a time that could be quite harsh.
Sweetie that mailbox is a work of art.
Thank you for choosing to share this awesome photo postcard here.
Have ablessed weekend.

BeNotForgot said...

To each and every one of you -- thank y'all soooo much for taking the time to stop by my little bitty corner of the universe here in Texas. I love the comments and input on this delightful pair.

They just seem to be patiently waiting for someone to come driving their wagon down that little dirt road, mayhaps to stop for a dipper of cool well water and a short visit.

OR, perhaps "Ma and Pa" are simply waiting for the new Wards (1872) catalog -- 'cause the old one is already in the outhouse!?!

Marie, thank you for the meme and blog that inspired me to share and contemplate on this image -- it was truly just too delightful to keep to myself.

Anonymous said...

ah what a nice photo. Doesnt it drive you crazy you know nothing about them. I have photos like that in photobooks from my dad who is now gone. I keep hanging on to them hoping to run into someone that will know them. Unfortunately the time grows shorter with each passing year as everyon ages.

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